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Accessibility Services

STEPS FOR REGISTERING YOUR construction PROJECT WITH The texas department of licensing and registration (tdlr):

STEP 1: Fill out Project Registration Form OR click the button below to pay the Convenience Fee and OldSpace NewSpace will file for you (RAS #1669)

STEP 2: Fill out Owner Agent Designation Form

STEP 3: Send final construction documents to

STEP 4: Fill out Proof of Submission Form

STEP 5: Click button below to pay OldSpace NewSpace for Plan Review. Plan reviews will be returned within 6 business days from receipt of payment and plans. Revise plans according to the review prior to construction.

STEP 6: Construct project

STEP 7: Fill out Request for Inspection Form

STEP 8: Click button below to pay OldSpaceNewSpace for Inspection. Inspections will be performed within two weeks from receipt of payment and form. Inspection Reports will be mailed to the owner or designee within 30 days from date of inspection.

STEP 9: Fill out Proof of Inspection Form

STEP 10: Correct construction non-compliance within 270 days from receipt of inspection report.

Fee Schedule

Pricing chart for Registered Accessibility Specialist Fees

For an accessible fee schedule visit OldSpace NewSpace RAS Fee Schedule